STRIVE PTO awards HVRSD staff with mini grants that may be used for the purpose of funding a project, activity, or materials and supplies for classroom and curricular activities.
Grants competitively awarded with preference given to the applications with goals that push the boundaries of standard school instruction or activity.
Grants are reviewed and voted on during scheduled PTO meetings.
Grant Awarded in 2024-2025
Alicia Smith, TG School Nurse: Automatic ice maker for nurse's office
Arianna Stevens, SB MD1: 16 Weeks yoga classes
Kendall D'Angello, CHS School Psychologist: Establish HOPE Squad, including merchandise & resource material for training
Grant Awarded in 2023-2024
Patricia Riley and Paulette DiNardo, for CHS: Materials for Student Wellness Center
Antoinette Tighe, HES CST: Sensory Mural & Light Coverings for Comfort Corner
Greta Gennace, TMS: Wall decor, lighting covers, sensory items to create reset & recharge space
Jay Billy, BT: Equipment needed to create sensory room
Michelle Dailey, Language Arts, white board
Amber Miller, district CST: Supporting Parents and Caregivers of Classified Students Workshop
Christina Davies, TG Resource: flexible seating
Melissa DeStephano, TMS SPED teacher: Reading nook materials & appropriate books
Nicole Seckinger, SB SPED teacher: Countertop Oven for Community Based Teaching Program
Michelle Maglione, BT LDTC, Orton Gillingahm book collection
Michelle Brennan & Meaghan Chaves/CHS Academic Essentials: Treadmill
Beth Hoffman for Autism/MD Program at SB: Shirts for community field trips
Erin Pean, SPED Teacher: 5 copies of an OG Morpheme resource book
Holly Kaufman & Nicole Mangone, Best Buddies Club: End of year inclusion dance at CHS.
Debbie Booz, TG ICR: Flexible Seating
Arianna Stevens, SB ICR: Ten week yoga series for joined 4th grade ICR & Autism classes
Arianna Stevens, SB ICR: Flexible seating
Debra Burd, TG ERC: Flexible seating
Susie Birardi, District PT for TMS: two sets of adaptive Fatwheels
Katie Schooley & Stephanie Capasso PAL TMS: Visit to Club Dreams
Samantha Pasterick, Olivia Ludwig, Ashton Edelschein, Sharon Cohen, & Ilene Astemborski PEECH teachers: Alphabet sequencing cards
Victoria Giacino, BT ICR: Sensory floor tiles for 3rd grade pods
Brenda Pfau, HES ICR: Kindle readers